KunstRaum Dorissa Lem

REC-DISORDER: 4 solos on performing (with) recordings.

Das Projekt REC-DISORDER erforscht die Verwendung von aufgenommenen Klängen in
Live-Performances. Es sieht die Schaffung und Aufführung von vier Solostücken vor, die von
Peter Cusack, Hanna Hartman, Felicity Mangan und Matthias Koole komponiert und aufgeführt
Das Projekt hinterfragt die Rolle des aufgenommenen Klangs in Bezug auf die Körperlichkeit
der Klangquellen, die Geräte, die für ihre Umwandlung und Wiedergabe verantwortlich sind, und
die Interpreten, die ihn aufnehmen und aufführen.
Jedes Solostück wird eine andere Perspektive auf den aufgezeichneten Ton als klangliches,
subjektives, informatives und fantasievolles Werkzeug in einer performativen Umgebung
In Cusacks Ansatz bietet der Klang die Möglichkeit, andere, unbekannte Orte mit einer anderen
Sensibilität als der visuellen und logozentrischen wahrzunehmen. Bei Hartman weicht die
Abstraktion des Klangs der freien Assoziation unterschiedlichster Objekte. Bei Mangan werden
die Aufnahmen in eine "quasi-bioakustische Musik" umgewandelt, bei der viel Wert auf die
rhythmischen Qualitäten gelegt wird. Bei Koole verschmelzen die physische Präsenz und die
Performance des Künstlers mit der Räumlichkeit der Aufnahme.
Mit diesen vier verschiedenen Ansätzen bietet das Projekt ein vielschichtiges Konzert mit
verschiedenen sensiblen Herangehensweisen an aufgezeichnete Klänge in der Performance
und reflektiert darüber, wie entkörperlichter und wiederverkörperter Klang und Performance uns
dazu bringen können, Materialität anders wahrzunehmen.
Kurze Biografien der beteiligten Künstler*innen
Hanna Hartman is a Swedish composer, sound artist and performer based in Berlin. She has
composed works for radio, electroacoustic music, ensembles, sound installations and given
numerous performances all over the world. Her many awards and grants includes the
Karl-Sczuka-Prize, the Phonurgia Nova Prize, a Villa Aurora grant and the Rome Prize (Villa
Massimo). During 2007 and 2008 she was Composer-in-Residence at the Swedish Radio and in
2019 at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Hanna Hartman is a member of the German
Academy of the Arts.
Her work has been presented in numerous concerts and festivals. Such as Darmstadter
Ferienkurse , Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival , Huddersfield Contemporary Music
Festival , el nicho aural Mexico City, Akousma Montreal, London Contemporary Music Festival,
Eclat Festival Stuttgart, Cut & Splice Festival Manchester, Rainy Days Luxemburg and Roma
Europa, Rome.
Peter Cusack is a field recordist and sound artist/musician with a long interest in the sound
environment. He initiated the “Favourite Sounds Project, which started in London and has since
taken place in Beijing, Prague, Manchester, Taranto, Hull, Berlin, Braunschweig. His project
‘Sounds from Dangerous Places’ (sonic journalism) has investigated the soundscapes of sites
of major environmental damage like the Caspian oil fields, the Chernobyl exclusion zone and the
Aral Sea, Central Asia, and asks the question, “What can be learnt about dangerous places by
listening to their sounds?”. He is a member of Crisap (Creative Research into Sounds Arts
Practice) at the University of the Arts, London and during 2011/12 was a guest of the DAAD
Berliner Künstlerprogramm. His current work – field recording, audio streaming, soundwalks,
guitar playing on location – often concerns environmental crises as they are heard close to
home, particularly in Berlin where he lives.
Felicity Mangan is an Australian sound artist and composer based in Berlin, Germany. In
different situations such as solo performances and collaborative projects. Felicity samples and
plays her field recordings and found sounds to create quasi-bioacoustic music. Felicity has
released several solo publications, one on Longform Editions titled Stereo’frog’ic, a play on the
word stereophonic – presenting a sound piece, crafted from found recordings of frogs, insects
and o
ther ‘vocal’ animals wavering about in a stereo field. As well as Creepy Crawly (Mappa Editions)
and Bell Metal Reeds (One Instrument). More recently Wet on Wet (Klangklamm/Warm Winters
Ltd.), Train Tracks Recorded and Editing by Felicity Mangan (Possible Motive) and a single Körner
Park (Care of Editions). As well as a former duo project release with Stine Janvin Native
Instrument - Camo (Shelter Press). Felicity has presented projects in many different settings
including Technosphärenklänge CTM/HKW, Sonic Act Academy and Sound design for 100
Climate Conversation for the Power House Museum, Sydney, Australia.
Matthias Francisco Koole's practice shifts between improvisation and various forms of
collaboration in written music and multidisciplinary projects.
His groups include ICNISP - Institute for Certified Nomadic Illicit Sonic Practices, with Marina
Cyrino; the guitar duo Oh Mensch with Kobe Van Cauwenberghe, the experimental music trio
Infinito Menos with Henrique Iwao and Mário Del Nunzio; the quartet Hiccup, with JD Zazie,
Tony Elieh and Marina Cyrino; Matter Kori with Teresa Riemann.
In the past, he was a founding member of the guitar quartet ZWERM. He has played or is
playing as a freelance musician in ensembles such as the Ictus Ensemble, Champ d'Action,
United Instruments of Lucilin, Brussels Philharmonic, BIT20 Ensemble, Opera Lab Berlin.
Recent recordings include oê [39:08], a solo album on acoustic guitar and Calisthenics, by
ICNISP (with Marina Cyrino).
Matthias received a scholarship award at the International Summer Courses for New Music in
Darmstadt (2010) and was a resident at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart (2013-2015).
In 2021 Matthias was a scholarship holder at Labor Neunzehn ,Berlin as part of the Weltoffenes
Berlin programme of the Berlin Senate.
He finished his guitar studies in Ghent, Belgium, with Tom Pauwels. He completed his PhD at the
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with percussionist
Fernando Rocha and ethnomusicologist Lúcia Campos as supervisors.
Matthias lives and works in Berlin.


KunstRaum Dorissa Lem


50823 Köln [ Ehrenfeld ]

KunstRaum Dorissa Lem

REC-DISORDER: 4 solos on performing (with) recordings.